Five of our six living houses were completely renovated in 2012 and have a modern standard. Each living house has twelve beds divided into four double rooms and four single rooms. All rooms have a sink with bathroom cabinets, wardrobes, beds, tables and chairs. In each house there are three showers, two toilets, laundry room with washing machine and separate storage room. You choose whether you want double or single rooms. Sharing rooms with another person is an important part of attending folk high school. Most people want a double room and enjoy it. There is Wifi in the school and every house.
The school has its own swimming pool, gym with climbing wall, large, new and well-equipped gym, sauna inside the school and an outdoor sauna down the Pasvikelva. The school's facilities also consist of an outdoor football field, a large lavvu with a campfire, a private campfire in the forest near the school and a boat house at Pasvikelva with canoes and kayaks.
Pasvik Folk High School is Finnmark's only liberal folk high school. The fact that a folk high school is liberal means that it does not profess a religious opinion. We emphasize tolerance, human dignity and equality. We like that people are different! We are concerned with respect for different life practices, sexual orientation, identity, political beliefs, views of life or cultural background. We are proud that our students are involved in everything from the PRIDE parade to solidarity work. Our core values are diversity, human development, community and love for nature.
Everyday life
Learning by doing! You don't need any prior knowledge, only the interest is there.
After a good breakfast, we start the day with a morning meeting. Then we go on electives, activity classes or course subjects. Lunch is half past twelve and dinner is ready at three. In the evening, many people choose to participate in activities, hiking, exercising or hunting or fishing. Sometimes you just want to relax with others in the fireplace room, play cards and chat, or maybe be in your house.
Leisure time
In your spare time, you decide what you want to do. The school has many facilities. In addition, activities are often arranged in the evenings, ranging from volleyball to knitting.
Saturday Seminar
Many Saturdays we organize a "Saturday seminar", where we organize practical, educational and entertaining activities on everything from music to ice sculptures, personal development and food and culture.
Morning Meeting
Morning meetings take place right after breakfast, from Monday to Friday. This is a great start to the day when everyone gathers. We start with the TV news, and "Word of the Day" is held by one person at school.
All meeting
On Fridays, the students have a meeting without the teachers, to help decide everything about the school. This is controlled by the elected student council leader.
City Tour
Our school is just 45 minutes away from Kirkenes, and every Friday we set up transportation so you can shop if there is anything you need.
House Meeting
Every Monday, every living house meets with its host. The house meetings consist of a review of the weekly schedule, messages from the staff and control of the house wash. It is also possible to raise issues concerning the life at school.
Holidays and Vacations
Just about every three weekends there is a free weekend. That is, there is no mandatory teaching from Friday afternoon to Monday morning. Some choose to leave school, but most either go for a walk in the neighborhood or stay at school. The school is open and all meals are also served during free weekends.
On holidays, unlike free weekends, you have to leave school. Then we provide transport both to and from Kirkenes airport, if you take the morning flight. Some choose to go for a hike in the surrounding area instead. Pasvik has many open cabins you can hike between.